Friday, February 29, 2008

Time Flies!

How time flies! I can't believe that I haven't posted since 2/14 - the big event is that Rosemary Joan was born on 2/15! What an incredible 2 weeks it has been...I won't bore you with the details of every moment of every day since then, but here are a few highlights:
  • 2/27: Rosemary discovered her thumb quite by accident! She got it in her mouth, gave it several vigorous sucks, and surprised herself with the strength of her sucks. Very cute, of course, to see her startle at the sensation of sucking her own thumb!
  • 2/28: Doctor's appointment - our little piglet gained 20 ounces in just 11 days! And grew 3/4" in length. My gawd, I guess all this power-nursing is doing something!
Everyone warned me that this time goes too fast, this newborn state of bliss. At this point, I would have to agree...

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